Saturday, October 13, 2018

INKtober 2018, Day Seven: Octopus

I finished week one a couple days ago, but I haven't made much headway in week two. I asked on my Facebook art page if I should stick to animals the whole of INKtober, or if I should change the theme each week, and the vote was in favor of changing, with a request for cartoons. As I have not started week two yet, I will double up, doing both a cartoon ink and an ink of different inanimate objects. I'm determined to finish this INKtober and then probably never do it again, it's too stressful for me. I like drawing and all, but I'm really looking forward to the end of this!

INKtober 2018, Day Six: Bird

INKtober 2018, Day Five: Starfish

INKtober 2018, Day Four: Elephant

I used this one to practice different ink shading techniques.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

INKtober 2018, Day Three: Snail

I've been doing much, much better than usual at INKtober this year... But man, have I been bad at uploading those artworks to this blog! I'll explain how this I am going about this INKtober when I post the wrap-up to week one. Until then, here's a drawing of how I feel working through challenges like INKtober...

Saturday, October 6, 2018

INKtober 2018, Day Two: Whale

Guys, I promise I've been doing this. I just forgot to post them here, although I remembered to post them elsewhere.

Photo referenced from Google Images because I don't know how to draw animals without reference, hence choosing animals for practice during this INKtober.