Monday, October 30, 2017

Inktober 2017...?

Man, has it been a while since I last blogged! I have been drawing a good amount since then, but I never seem to remember to upload those drawings. I'll show you one drawing I have done recently, and then get on with the post...
(Used reference- I can't find the original artist.)
Anyway, about Inktober. I have been trying to do it again this year... "trying again" as in, that is all I did last year, and all I am doing this year... trying. And not doing. But, as the saying goes; "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again." Meaning I will probably try and fail next year, too, because it's "try, try, again", not just "try again". You have to try again twice to get it to work. And I have only tried again once.

Maybe next year I should just do "Thinktober", where I have one thought every day for 31 days. But no, that sounds even harder than regular Inktober.

I have done fourteen ink drawings this year, so I am up a good cry from just the one I did last year. I have been using a Disney Challenge that I tried to do with a friend two years ago in May (as you can see, I am very good at trying to do things), but on day FOUR I somehow got mixed and did the wrong drawing... and then I never got de-mixed up again. I then tried doing two a day, and that meant I would have to decide on not just one, but two favorite Disney scenes, princesses, princes, villains, songs, or the Disney princess with the prettiest left-hand thumbnail (or something like that) and it got confusing and harder to do. Then I reached The Middle where we had to draw Actual Scenes, not just characters. And then I realized that would mean 1) Choosing a favorite scene, 2) Finding the perfect screen capture of the scene OR 2&1/2) Taking my own screen capture (The reason that's 2&1/2 instead of a 3 is that it's not a different step, just a different way of doing it). So I went to bed. And the next morning when I woke up I just decided to do one more drawing for this month, and then next month introduce a New and Very Cool trend called "Inkvember". Catchy, huh? THEN, probably in December (Inkcember? Nah. Ink-cicle? Get it? Winter, icicles...okay, well, nevermind, then.), anyway, in that month, I will upload one of the ink drawings a day, like I was supposed to this month. And didn't. Ah, well. Until then, have fun browsing the new collection of other people's Inktober drawings, that they actually remembered to put up. What a glorious sense of satisfaction with themselves they must feel.

(P.S. I just remembered I actually do have some new random art you haven't seen yet. I'll upload those between times, if you'd like. If you don't like, then I will post them anyway, because I won't know you don't like until after I've already posted them. When it will be too late.)

(P.P.S. BTW, apropos of that gif: What is Yoda's full name? Yoda Layhee Hoo.)